Previewing the Latina/o/x Midwest
All three co-hosts are together at the start of the semester to discuss the upcoming Latina/o/x Midwest Symposium and some details of doing archival research.
Darrel, Ariana, and Rene sit down to catch up at the start of the semester and discuss themes related to the upcoming Latina/o/x Midwest Symposium. After Rene leaves, Darrel and Ariana talk about archival research and the willingness to discuss your “finds” before you publish about them.
★ Thanks to our sponsors ★
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s generous support through its Sawyer Seminar program allowed “Imagining Latinidades: Articulations of National Belonging” to launch at the University of Iowa. This podcast was born from the Sawyer Seminar and we hope it will continue on afterward.
- The Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, at Iowa, was the birthplace of our Seminar theme, which gave rise to this podcast.
Show notes:
- Subscribe to this podcast, please!
- * Livestream of the upcoming symposium will be here: University of Iowa Latina/o Studies Program - Home | Facebook
- Read all about the upcoming symposium, which is Friday 1/31/20 at the Iowa City Public Library, here: Imagining the Latina/o/x Midwest – Imagining Latinidades.
- Lilia Fernandez – Imagining Latinidades Transient Pasts: Theorizing the History of Latinos/as in the Midwest – Imagining Latinidades
- Sujey Vega – Imagining Latinidades Of Borders and Belonging: Addressing the meaning of home and belonging in Latinx Midwestern Imagined Comunidades – Imagining Latinidades
- Theresa Delgadillo – Imagining Latinidades Environmental Sustainability and Alternative Place-Times in Midwest Latinx Literature – Imagining Latinidades
- The 2012 Symposium info can be found here: The Latino Midwest | Obermann Center for Advanced Studies
- UI Press | Edited by Omar Valerio-Jiménez, Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, and Claire F. Fox Afterword by Frances R. Aparicio | The Latina/o Midwest Reader
- La Bloga: CSUCI Houses the Works and Archives of Michele Serros
You can reply to this podcast here:
- Twitter, Instagram, Facebook: @ImaginingLat
- Hosts on Twitter: Darrel is @DoctorDWS, Ariana is @aryruiz710, Rene is @rene5311
- Email:
- Our cover art, a photo of an installation titled “El Hielo / I.C.E,” is provided courtesy of the artist, Fidencio Fifield-Perez.
- Music by Juan Ruiz.
- Our hosting is provided by, which we really love.
- Our podcasting app of choice is, which also makes a handy app that streamlines the process of making the chapter markers in this podcast.